Conditions We Treat

Generations of Women specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of women-specific conditions. Our dedicated OBGYN team is committed to offering women the finest treatment options, ensuring optimal health and well-being throughout every stage of life.


Endometriosis affects approximately one in 10 women in the United States. It is a medical condition where the uterine lining (endometrium) grows outside the uterus, often in the pelvic area, such as the ovaries, bowels, or behind the uterus. While generally not harmful, it can significantly impact your quality of life, leading to symptoms like painful menstrual cramps, heavy periods, chronic back and pelvic pain, infertility, and other health concerns.

At Generations of Women in Redding, we offer comprehensive endometriosis diagnostics and a range of treatment options to alleviate pain and manage abnormal, painful periods. Minimally invasive surgical procedures are available to remove endometrial tissue growth with minimal downtime.

While endometriosis cannot be cured, our women's healthcare providers can help manage your symptoms through various treatment options, including pain medication, hormone therapy, conservative surgery, or a hysterectomy. We believe in empowering you to make informed decisions about your treatment, and we will discuss all available options to find the best solution for you.

Endometriosis FAQ

  • Endometriosis is a condition that involves the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium, growing outside of the uterus and attaching to other areas in the pelvic region, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other organs.

    Throughout each menstrual cycle, the excess endometrial tissue behaves as it normally would, thickening and breaking down. However, as this tissue has no exit route from the body, it becomes trapped, leading to irritation of surrounding tissues and, in some cases, the formation of scar tissue that can bind pelvic organs together.

    While endometriosis is not typically life-threatening, it can result in significant and persistent pain, as well as heavy bleeding, which may significantly impact your daily life. At Generations of Women, we provide comprehensive care and personalized treatment options to help manage and alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis.

  • Endometriosis can manifest in various symptoms, such as:

    • Painful menstrual cramps

    • Heavy menstrual bleeding

    • Prolonged menstrual cycles

    • Chronic pain in your pelvis or back

    In some cases, untreated endometriosis may lead to fertility issues, making it challenging to conceive or maintain a pregnancy. At Generations of Women, we focus on early detection and personalized treatment to help manage these symptoms and support your reproductive health.

  • To diagnose endometriosis, your doctor will begin with a pelvic exam to detect any abnormalities around your ovaries. In addition, an ultrasound may be used to create images of your uterus and other pelvic organs, providing further insight into the abnormal growth of the uterine lining.

    For a more detailed examination, a laparoscopy may be recommended. During this procedure, a small instrument called a laparoscope, equipped with a camera, is inserted to closely inspect your pelvic region and identify any abnormal tissue growth. At Generations of Women, we employ comprehensive diagnostic techniques to ensure early detection and tailored management of endometriosis.

  • Depending on the severity of your symptoms and the extent of tissue growth, there are various treatment options to consider. Initially, your doctor may recommend medication, such as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers, to manage discomfort.

    Hormone therapy is also an effective approach to control heavy menstrual cramping and bleeding. Birth control pills may be prescribed if you are a non-smoker and under the age of 35. Progestin-only hormone treatments can also help suppress menstrual periods and the growth of endometrial tissue.

    If medication does not sufficiently alleviate your pain, your doctor may suggest surgery. Laparoscopic or traditional surgery can be performed to remove excess endometrial tissue. In severe cases, a hysterectomy may be considered, especially if you do not plan to have children in the future.

    For comprehensive information on endometriosis treatment options, please schedule a consultation with our office. Our dedicated team at Generations of Women is here to provide expert guidance and personalized care to address your specific needs.

Woman in Redding, CA suffering from painful menstrual periods patient at Redding gynecologist

Heavy, Painful Menstrual Periods

While most women experience mild discomfort during their period, some suffer from irregular, heavy, or excessively painful periods that go beyond the norm. Dysmenorrhea, the medical term for painful periods or menstrual cramps, can be categorized as primary (common recurring cramps) or secondary (resulting from reproductive system disorders). The good news is that both types can be treated.

It's important to recognize any changes in your menstrual cycle and seek help if you experience unusually high levels of discomfort or irregularity. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial for your reproductive and overall health. Whether it's finding the right birth control or exploring more complex treatments, Generations of Women is here to guide you towards a happier, healthier life.

Symptoms of Painful Periods:

  • Abdominal cramps

  • Lower back pain

  • Pain down legs

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Fatigue

  • Weakness

  • Fainting

  • Headaches

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent condition characterized by enlarged ovaries that may contain multiple cysts and produce high levels of male hormones. It affects one in every ten women in the US and is a leading cause of infertility. Possible symptoms include missed or irregular periods, ovarian cysts, excess body hair, weight gain, acne, infertility, and others.

At Generations of Women, our gynecological services include routine pelvic exams and advanced diagnostics to identify and address ovarian cysts. While most cysts are harmless and require no treatment, there are instances where cysts can cause persistent pain. We offer effective treatments, including minimally invasive surgery, to remove cysts while preserving your ovary's integrity.

While there is no cure for PCOS, various treatment options can help alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications. Depending on the severity and your overall health, your doctor may recommend birth control pills, diabetes medication, fertility treatment, or lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. Severe cases may require surgery to induce ovulation. Schedule an appointment with our doctors at Generations of Women to discuss your treatment options and personalized care.


  • Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form inside or on the surface of the ovaries. In many cases, ovarian cysts are common and not a cause for concern, as most women will experience them at some point in their lives. Typically, these cysts remain small and asymptomatic, often discovered during routine pelvic exams conducted by your doctor.

    While most ovarian cysts pose no significant issues, there is a possibility of rupture, leading to pain and vaginal bleeding. In rare instances, untreated cysts may result in persistent pain or the development of cystic masses that could potentially become cancerous. It is essential to monitor and address any concerning symptoms with the guidance of your healthcare provider at Generations of Women.

  • Ovarian cysts commonly arise due to the menstrual cycle and are referred to as functional cysts. Each month, your ovaries produce follicles that release an egg during ovulation while also generating reproductive hormones. If these follicles continue to grow, functional cysts may develop. The good news is that these cysts often resolve without treatment after several menstrual cycles.

    In addition to functional cysts related to menstruation, there are other types of cysts that can form on the ovaries. Some of these cysts may grow large and disrupt the positioning of the ovary, leading to torsion or twisting. In cases of ovarian torsion, the blood flow to the ovary may decrease or stop, resulting in potential damage. It is essential to discuss any concerns or symptoms with your healthcare provider at Generations of Women for appropriate evaluation and management.

  • At Generations of Women, your doctor offers various treatment options for ovarian cysts. In some cases, a watchful waiting approach may be recommended to observe the cyst's development over a few months.

    If the cysts change in size or cause discomfort, your doctor may prescribe birth control to prevent the formation of new cysts. However, hormone treatments do not typically shrink existing cysts. Depending on your specific situation, surgical intervention may be necessary to remove the cysts.

    Your doctor can perform an ovarian cystectomy, a procedure that removes the cyst while preserving the ovary. Alternatively, if required, he may perform an oophorectomy to remove the affected ovary.

    To explore the best treatment option for your ovarian cysts, schedule a consultation with us either online or by calling our office. Our dedicated team is here to provide expert care and address any concerns you may have.

  • While most women may develop cysts at some point in their lives, certain factors may increase your risk, including:

    If you have a history of previous cysts, there is a higher likelihood of developing more throughout your lifetime. It's essential to stay vigilant and discuss any concerns with our healthcare providers at Generations of Women to ensure timely evaluation and appropriate management.

Woman with STD patient at doctors office in Redding, CA

Vaginal Infections

Vaginal infections are highly prevalent among women and account for over 10 million gynecologist visits annually. Vaginitis, or vaginal inflammation, occurs due to an imbalance of yeast and bacteria that typically reside in the vagina. This may cause discomfort and an unusual odor. Vaginal infections can be caused by bacteria, yeast, viruses, or irritation from chemicals in products or clothing.

At Generations of Women in Redding, our gynecology services encompass both the treatment and prevention of vaginal infections. The most common types of vaginal infections include yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis, which is a sexually transmitted infection. Depending on the type of infection, your healthcare provider will discuss appropriate treatment options with you.

Symptoms of Vaginal Infections may include:

  • Lower abdominal pain

  • Vaginal itchiness or soreness

  • Pain during sex or urination

  • Unusual discharge

  • Bleeding between periods

  • Warts or ulcers near vulva

Sexually Transmitted Infections

At Generations of Women, we understand that thinking about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or STDs can be worrisome, but they are more common than you may realize. Our healthcare providers are here to address your concerns about STIs and discuss treatment options. In our Redding OBGYN practice, we offer convenient and painless STD testing that typically takes just a few minutes. Remember, STIs do not improve on their own, so don't delay – call us immediately to book an appointment for testing.

Notably, many STIs, especially in women, may not show any symptoms, making it challenging to detect an infection. Regular STD testing is crucial for individuals with multiple sexual partners, even if they practice protected sex. If diagnosed with an STI, we will offer the most effective treatments available to minimize symptoms and prevent long-term complications. Although most STIs cannot be cured, they can be managed with medications. Practicing safe sex and regular testing are essential for protecting yourself against STIs and maintaining good sexual health.


  • STD testing covers a comprehensive range of infections, which can be detected through blood, urine, swab tests, or tissue samples. The most frequently tested STDs are bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections, including:

    • Chlamydia

    • Gonorrhea

    • Hepatitis B

    • Genital herpes

    • HIV

    • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

    • Syphilis

    • Trichomoniasis

    Depending on your specific symptoms, your healthcare provider can also conduct tests for less common STDs like chancroid, molluscum contagiosum, and granuloma inguinale. At Generations of Women, we offer comprehensive STD testing services to ensure your sexual health and well-being.

  • At Generations of Women, we prioritize your sexual health and recommend a testing schedule tailored to your unique circumstances. Generally, STD testing is necessary if you experience symptoms such as genital discharge, pain during intercourse, pelvic area discomfort, fever, genital itchiness or burning, or any genital skin changes, including bumps, sores, or growths.

    If you have engaged in sexual activity with someone who has tested positive for an STD or has active symptoms, it is crucial to schedule a test as soon as possible.

    Additionally, specific guidelines for STD testing apply, regardless of sexual habits:

    • All individuals between ages 13-64 should undergo at least one HIV test during their lifetime.

    • Women under 25 require annual gonorrhea and chlamydia testing.

    • Women aged 25 and older with multiple or new partners should have annual testing.

    • Pregnant women need hepatitis B, HIV, and syphilis testing, and at-risk pregnant mothers require gonorrhea and chlamydia testing.

    • Women engaging in unprotected sex should receive annual HIV tests.

    • Women who share drug needles need yearly HIV tests.

    Open and honest communication about your sex life and personal habits with our non-judgmental and caring OB/GYN team enables us to personalize your STD testing, ensuring your optimal health and well-being.

  • Your provider will thoroughly explain the results and their implications specifically for you. A positive test generally indicates an active infection that requires treatment.

    The treatment for each specific STD varies but often involves antibiotics, antivirals, or other oral or topical medications. In addition to medical treatment, your provider may offer counseling on safe-sex practices to protect yourself from future STDs or reduce the risk of transmitting them to your partner.

    If you receive an abnormal Pap smear, which may indicate HPV infection, the approach may differ as it might not require immediate treatment. However, your provider may recommend more frequent monitoring and, if necessary, remove HPV cells to prevent potential development into cervical cancer.

    At Generations of Women, we prioritize your confidentiality and well-being, providing STD testing and treatment in a supportive environment. Feel free to call our office or schedule your STD testing conveniently through online booking. We are here to ensure your sexual health and overall wellness.

  • Protecting yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is essential for maintaining your sexual health. Here are some important steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting STIs:

    • Use barrier methods: Consistently and correctly use condoms or dental dams during sexual activity, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Barrier methods provide a physical barrier that helps prevent the exchange of bodily fluids, reducing the risk of STI transmission.

    • Get tested regularly: Make sure to get tested for STIs regularly, especially if you have multiple sexual partners or engage in high-risk behavior. Regular testing helps identify infections early and allows for prompt treatment.

    • Limit sexual partners: Reducing the number of sexual partners can lower your risk of exposure to STIs. Engaging in sexual activities with a mutually monogamous partner who has also been tested for STIs can be safer.

    • Open communication: Discussing your sexual health and STI status with your partner(s) is crucial. Honest and open communication can help ensure that both you and your partner(s) are aware of each other's sexual health and can make informed decisions together.

    • Vaccination: For certain STIs, vaccines are available, such as the HPV vaccine that protects against human papillomavirus, a common cause of cervical cancer and genital warts. Speak with your healthcare provider about vaccination options.

    By adopting these preventive measures and prioritizing your sexual health, you can significantly reduce the risk of contracting STIs and promote overall well-being. At Generations of Women, we are here to provide guidance, support, and comprehensive STI testing and counseling to help you maintain a healthy and fulfilling sexual life.

Menopausal Treatment 

Navigating menopause can be a confusing and challenging journey for many women, as its symptoms can disrupt daily life and create feelings of uncertainty. At Generations of Women, we offer compassionate care and support during your menopausal years, providing a range of treatment options to help manage your symptoms effectively.

Common menopause symptoms such as irregular bleeding, hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, fatigue, and depression can be alleviated through hormone replacement therapy. We offer bio-identical hormone treatment, which provides the body with estrogen and progesterone to counteract the hormonal changes occurring during menopause. Our healthcare providers will guide you in selecting the most suitable treatment option for your needs. Additionally, maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle can further contribute to your overall well-being during this phase of life. To explore ways to manage menopause and find relief from its symptoms, schedule an appointment with us today.

Menopause FAQ

  • Menopause is the natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles, officially occurring when there have been 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. This transition signifies the end of fertility and the ability to bear children.

    While the average age of menopause in the United States is around 51, some women may start experiencing menopausal symptoms as early as their 40s. When menopause occurs before the age of 40, it is referred to as premature menopause.

    The period leading up to the cessation of menstrual periods is known as perimenopause, during which hormonal fluctuations can lead to various symptoms. Perimenopause can last anywhere from 1 to 10 years before periods permanently stop.

    Additionally, if a woman undergoes a hysterectomy, where the uterus is surgically removed, she may enter into medical menopause, causing her periods to stop after the surgery. At Generations of Women, we provide compassionate care and support for women throughout all stages of menopause, helping you navigate this significant life transition with comfort and confidence.

  • During perimenopause and menopause, as estrogen and progesterone levels decline, you may experience a variety of symptoms, which can include:

    • Anxiety

    • Hair loss

    • Dry skin

    • Hot flashes

    • Depression

    • Weight gain

    • Night sweats

    • Chronic fatigue

    • Feelings of confusion

    • Lack of concentration

    These symptoms can vary in intensity from mild to severe and may have a significant impact on your daily life. At Generations of Women, we are here to provide understanding and personalized care to help manage these symptoms and support you through this transformative phase of life.

  • In many cases, once your hormones stabilize during your postmenopausal years, your symptoms tend to subside. Our dedicated team of doctors works closely with you to develop the most suitable treatment plan for this stage of your life, taking into account your medical history and the severity of your symptoms.

    For further information about menopause treatment, we invite you to schedule a consultation by phone. At Generations of Women, we are committed to providing personalized care to help you navigate menopause with greater comfort and well-being.

  • At Generations of Women, we understand that menopause symptoms can vary widely among individuals. Our experienced medical team offers a range of treatment options tailored to your specific needs to effectively manage your symptoms during this transitional phase.

    Hormone therapy is a common approach for menopause symptoms. Non-smokers may receive hormone regulation through birth control pills, providing a steady hormone stream to reduce fluctuations. If birth control is not suitable, other hormone therapies are available in oral, patch, cream, or injection forms.

    Additionally, lifestyle changes can play a significant role in symptom management. Our doctors may recommend dietary improvements and incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine.

    For women experiencing depression and anxiety during perimenopause, a low-dose antidepressant may offer relief. Your doctor will discuss these and other options during your consultation, ensuring a comprehensive approach to address your unique needs and alleviate the mental and emotional strain often associated with menopause.

Woman exercising patient at Redding, CA doctor for women

Pelvic Prolapse

Pelvic prolapse, a common condition in women, happens when one or more pelvic organs descend from their normal position and press against the vaginal walls. Symptoms may include feelings of fullness, pulled muscles, and urinary incontinence. This prolapse is often caused by weakened muscles due to childbirth or surgery.

Simple self-care measures like kegel exercises, avoiding heavy lifting, and using pessary devices can offer relief and help prevent further prolapse. However, for comprehensive relief, surgical intervention is often necessary to reposition the affected organs and alleviate symptoms. The surgical approach varies based on the specific organ involved, and procedures may include repairing the bladder or urethra, closing the vagina, or even a hysterectomy. At Generations of Women, we provide expert care and personalized solutions for pelvic prolapse to enhance your well-being.

  • Pelvic prolapse is a condition where one or more pelvic organs descend from their normal position and exert pressure on the vaginal walls, leading to sensations of fullness, strained muscles, and incontinence. This condition is commonly associated with weakened muscles in the pelvic area, often resulting from childbirth or surgery.

    While certain home remedies like Kegel exercises, avoiding heavy lifting, and using pessary devices can help relieve pelvic prolapse symptoms, in some cases, the condition may resolve on its own. However, many instances of pelvic prolapse may require surgical intervention to reposition the affected organs and fully alleviate the symptoms. The type of surgery varies depending on the organ involved and may include bladder or urethra repair, vaginal closure, or a hysterectomy.

  • A pessary is a rubber device designed to provide support for sagging pelvic organs that may protrude into or out of the vagina. These organs can include the uterus (womb), vagina, bladder (cystocele), or rectum (rectocele). By offering support to the affected organs, the pessary helps alleviate discomfort from a bulging sensation and may even address stress urinary incontinence (leakage during coughing, straining, or exercise). Pregnant women experiencing incontinence can also benefit from wearing a pessary, as it offers non-surgical relief for pelvic floor dysfunction.

    To ensure the most effective and comfortable fit, a pessary needs to be precisely fitted, which can only be achieved through an exam and fitting by a healthcare provider. Finding the right size might require a few fittings, and periodic checks every few months are typically recommended. Sometimes, adjustments to the pessary's size or shape are necessary to accommodate the dynamic nature of the body. At Generations of Women, rest assured that we are here to assist you throughout this process, ensuring your optimal comfort and well-being.

Female Incontinence

Female incontinence is a common condition where women experience involuntary leakage of urine. It can be distressing and impact daily life. At Generations of Women, we understand the sensitivity of this issue and offer compassionate care to help manage and treat female incontinence. Our experienced team of OBGYNs provides thorough evaluations to determine the underlying causes and tailors personalized treatment plans. From lifestyle adjustments and pelvic floor exercises to advanced medical interventions, we are dedicated to supporting women in regaining control and confidence in their daily activities. Don't let incontinence hold you back – our expert care is here to help you achieve improved bladder health and overall well-being.

Urinary Incontinence FAQ

  • Urodynamic testing is an office procedure designed to assess and analyze the function and responses of your bladder. It is specifically used to identify the underlying cause or causes of abnormal urinary symptoms you may be experiencing.

    At Generations of Women, our highly trained nurse conducts urodynamic testing in a private and sensitive environment. The test results are then thoroughly reviewed by our experienced OBGYNs to help determine the most appropriate treatment recommendations for your individual needs. Following the testing, we will schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss the results in detail with you, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of your condition and the recommended course of action.

  • A cystoscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of your bladder and urethra with the help of a thin camera called a cystoscope. This camera, similar to a telescope or microscope, allows your doctor to closely inspect the inner surfaces of your urinary tract. The cystoscope, which is as thin as a pencil and equipped with a light at the tip, is inserted into the urethra to visualize the bladder's interior. This procedure is generally brief and not painful.

    At Generations of Women, we may perform cystoscopy to evaluate various conditions, including frequent urinary tract infections, blood in the urine (hematuria), bladder control issues (incontinence), unusual cells detected in a urine sample, the need for a bladder catheter, painful urination, chronic pelvic pain, interstitial cystitis, urinary blockages, stones in the urinary tract, the presence of growths, polyps, tumors, or cancer, and as preparation for surgery.

  • Urethral bulking is a treatment for urinary incontinence where a special material is injected around the urethra to increase its wall thickness, aiding in better urine control when holding back. This quick procedure is typically performed in our office under local anesthesia, using a cystoscope with a fiberoptic camera to guide the process. The bulking material is gently injected into the urethral wall at various points, and the entire procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes.

    Good candidates for this treatment include women whose urinary incontinence is primarily due to weakness in the sphincter muscle surrounding the urethra, those who prefer a non-surgical option or are not suitable for surgery and anesthesia, women who haven't completed their family yet, or those who have not experienced success with conventional surgery for urinary incontinence. The most appropriate treatment will depend on the specific nature and cause of your urinary incontinence, and our experienced team at Generations of Women will guide you towards the best solution for your unique needs.

New Patients

If this is your first visit in over three years or your first time with us, please complete our new patient paperwork or arrive 15 minutes early to fill it out in person. Call (530) 244-2130 to schedule or check insurance acceptance.

Existing Patients

If you are an existing patient and have visited our office within the last three years, when it's time to schedule your next appointment, call our office. Our team is here to facilitate your ongoing medical care.